Los Angeles -After launched the fourth generation of its superior roadster, the MX-5 Miata, Mazda Corporation stated the car was ready to compete in the race. The plan, Mazda Miata was ready to fight new start 2016.

Quoted from the BBC on Monday (11/17/2014) small roadster ever record as the best-selling roadster is ready to participate in the championship race at the global level, both in the United States, Europe, and Asia.
Mazda MX-5 Miata
Mazda MX-5 Miata
As a race car, zoom is different from road car version. Mazda has cut the weight of the car. The roof of the fabric, which can open the lid has dhilangkan.

Likewise the passenger seat. So the only visible parts of the front cabin is wrapped steering wheel and carbon fiber monochrome display.

Concerns about the strength, Mazda has not given any information. But it is expected not much different from the gasoline engine 2,000 cc four-cylinder equipped SkyActive technology, and the rear wheel.